The Principles of
I-Kuan Tao


by Derek Lin and Frank Wagle


I-Kuan Tao is the belief in the Tao, the eternal source. It embodies the truths inherited from the teachings of Lao Tzu, Confucius, and the Buddha which are the same truths taught by some other spiritual and philosophical traditions. From Lao Tzu comes the reliance on the harmony of people and nature. From Confucius comes the appreciation of good deeds and behaviors. And from Buddha comes the general concern for the masses and delivering all from suffering.

The modern movement of I-Kuan Tao was established by Lu Zhong Yi, the 17th Patriarch of the later stage of the East Tao Orthodoxy. In 1930, his disciples Zhang Guang Bi and Sun Hui Ming became the 18th Patriarchs to carry on the Tao Orthodoxy.

In order to preach the great Tao and reveal enlightenment to all humanity, the 18th Patriarchs established and taught the Principles of the Tao as follows:

道之宗旨     The Principles of the Tao

1  敬天地
To venerate Heaven and Earth

2  禮神明
To revere the divine beings

3  愛國忠事
To be patriotic and responsible

4  敦品崇禮
To be virtuous and courteous

5  孝父母
To honor the parents

6  重師尊
To value the teachers

7  信朋友
To keep faith with friends

8  和鄉鄰
To live harmoniously with neighbors

9   改惡向善
To discard the bad and seek the good

10 講明五倫八德
To clarify the Five Relationships and the Eight Virtues

11 闡發五教聖人之奧旨
To spread the teachings of the Five Religions

12 恪遵四維綱常之古禮
To follow the ancient practice of the Four Ethics, the Mainstays, and the Constant Virtues

13 洗心滌慮
To cleanse the mind and purify the spirit

14 借假修真
To utilize the illusory world in cultivating the truth

15 恢復本性之自然
To restore the nature of the self

16 啟發良知良能之至善
To develop the perfection of conscience

17 己立立人
To establish oneself and help others in establishment

18 己達達人
To achieve goals and help others in achievement

19 挽世界為清平
To bring the world into peace

20 化人心為良善
To transform hearts into goodness

21 冀世界為大同
To hope for the world of Great Unity

Commentary on The Principles of the Tao  道之宗旨解釋

1. To venerate Heaven and Earth (敬天地 ) - Value and respect both the Heavens and the Earth. Be a good steward of the planet and its resources.

2. To revere the divine beings (禮神明 ) - Hold in highest esteem the Tao, the eternal source. Appreciate and honor all of the good role models, Buddhas, sages, and teachers, who have come before us.

3. To be patriotic and responsible (愛國忠事) - Respect and honor the good things about your country and its government and to work to change things that could be done better; fulfill your civic duties.

4. To be virtuous and courteous (敦品崇禮 ) - Always act in a virtuous and courteous manner and uphold the Rules of Propriety. Practical guidelines regarding propriety of Demeanor, Deportment, Speech, Conduct, Example, and Sexual activity can be found in the Analects of Confucius.

5. To honor the parents (孝父母 ) - Love, honor, respect, support, and be obedient to one's parents to let them live worry-free lives.

6. To value the teachers (重師尊 ) - Honor and respect one's teachers and elders for their efforts to educate you and for the wisdom of their years.

7. To keep faith with friends (信朋友 ) - Be trustworthy, dependable and honest with your friends.

8. To live harmoniously with neighbors (和鄉鄰 ) - Be a good neighbor. Be helpful and friendly with those who share your neighborhood.

9. To discard the bad and seek the good (改惡向善) - Rid oneself of bad habits and pursue good thoughts and deeds.

10. To clarify the Five Relationships and the Eight Virtues (講明五倫八德 )- Expound upon the Five Bonds of Human Relationships and the Eight Cardinal Virtues

Five Bonds of Human Relationships - between sovereign and minister, parents and children, husband and wife, between siblings, and between friends

Eight Cardinal Virtues - filial piety, brotherly love, loyalty, truthfulness, courtesy, righteousness, integrity, and a sense of shame

11. To spread the teachings of the Five Religions (闡發五教聖人之奧旨 ) - Recognize as valid all significant spiritual or philosophical traditions that have the potential to uplift and inspire people to do good.

12. To follow the ancient practice of the Four Ethics, the Mainstays and the Constant Virtues (恪遵四維綱常之古禮) - To obey and respectfully practice the Four Ethical Principles, the Three Mainstays of Social Order, and the Five Constant Virtues.

The Four Ethical Principles - courtesy, righteousness, integrity, a sense of shame

The Three Mainstays of Social Order - between sovereign and minister, parents and children, husband and wife

The Five Constant Virtues - benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and truthfulness

13. To cleanse the mind and purify the spirit (洗心滌慮 ) - Eliminate harmful/destructive thoughts. Maintain a happy positive attitude.

14. To utilize the illusory world in cultivating the truth (借假修真 ) - "Illusory" refers to the Buddhist idea that the world is just an illusion. By studying the world we can learn about the Tao.

15. To restore the nature of the self  (恢復本性之自然 ) - To recognize, value, and respect one's original Buddha-nature. That is, you are a sentient being with an infinite potential for understanding, or "enlightenment" if you prefer, and for doing good.

16. To develop the perfection of conscience (啟發良知良能之至善 ) - Continually work to develop one's innate wisdom with respect to acting in harmony with the Tao.

17. To establish oneself and help others in establishment (己立立人 ) - First secure for yourself a stable position in society and then help those less fortunate to secure a stable position too.

18. To achieve goals and help others in achievement (己達達人) - Set and reach one's own goals and help others do so too.

19. To bring the world into peace (挽世界為清平 ) - Work to transform the world into a peaceful, honest, and orderly society.

To transform hearts into goodness (化人心為良善 ) - Enlighten the minds of people, by your actions and your words, and enable them to return to a natural state of benevolence.

To hope for the world of Great Unity  (冀世界為大同 ) - By pursuing this path, to bring the world into a state of harmony, equality, fraternity, and justice.
